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Castell de la Trinitat

Castell de la Trinitat

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Castell de la Trinitat

Roses - Girona

How to get

Castell de la Trinitat

At the tip of Poncella in Roses, we find the Trinitat Castle, in a location that rises 60 meters above sea level. In this same location, the existence of a previous structure, probably a medieval defensive tower, is documented.

This fortress was built between 1544 and 1551, during the reign of Emperor Charles I. At the time of its construction, Trinitat Castle was a very innovative coastal artillery fortress and a formidable defensive complement to the Ciutadella.

Initially, the fortress played an important role in the defense of the coast against pirate and corsair ships. The wars between Spain and France gave it a new role from the 17th century onwards. In this context, the fortress was heavily damaged due to the explosions carried out in 1814 by the Napoleonic troops.

A significant part of the current structure of Trinitat Castle is due to the rehabilitation works carried out from 2002 onwards, when concrete walls were erected without respecting the original structure and materials of the building.

Currently, the castle is one of the main heritage elements of the municipality of Roses. It is interesting to check the opening hours and the possibility of taking a guided tour.

How to get