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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Legal note

  1. Right of information: Under the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, 13 desember, about Personal Data Protection LADEUS WEB BRANDING, SL with NIF B55252894 (onwards LADEUS), informs to the usear of this web site, the existence of a file of personal data created by LADEUS, and under its responsability.
  2. Purpose: Users data collected through our web site, will be collected in order to offer our services of graphic design and web, accommodation and web maintenance and congresses organization.
  3. Data veracity: The user guarantee that the personal data facilitated are true and it is responsible to comunicate any modification of them.
  4. User consent: The personal data sending, through email messages, suppose the express consent from sender to automated processing of the data included therein for the purpose explained above, as well as for SMS sending, email and/or other electronic media with information of our services.
  5. Assignments: LADEUS, will make data assignments whenever required by the current legislation to meet your legal obligations with the differents competent administrations. In this sense, in compliance with the law 27/2007 from 18 october of data conservation realted to electronic communications and public communication networks, we inform to the user that LADEUS, will keep traffic data, required by th law, generated during the development of communications, as well as in your case, will comunicate to the competent organisms when the circumstances provided in the law occur.  Similarly, for the provision of domain registration services, we inform that ICANN or other competent registry organization requires the publication of the data relating to ownership of the registered domain name, the administrative contacts, technical and of payment that according to the regulations, have to been public and accessible from competent recorders "Whois". In this sense the owner of the domain name authorize the data publication and in case of the customer it isn't the owner, agrees to collect the authorization to transmit and publish this data.
  6. Rights of access, rectification, opposition and cancellation of users: The user can exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition in the expected terms in LOPD, and in its development regulations, by writing and a DNI copy indicating the reference and addressed to LADEUS, with adress in C/Trav. dels Jardins, 17. Oficina 6, 17310 Lloret de Mar.
  7. Cookies: LADEUS, can use cookies to manage the navigation in its web site. The user authorize expressly its use for the previous purpose. Likewise, the user can set up his browser to warn you about the use of cookies and to avoid its use. This fact can cause restrictions in navigation features of Ladeus web site. More information about our cookies policy.
  8. Treatment by third parties: In those cases when LADEUS, have to access or treat with personal data which the costumers are responsible, to the suitable provision of contracted services, will do it as the manager of compliance treatment with the established in the article 15 of LOPD and concording to RDLOPD. In this cases the access and/or treatment of the personal data will be done according with the following terms: 
  • LADEUS only proceed to the treatment of data following the costumer instructions without being able to treat them for a different purpose other than those for which the contracted services are subject, or for another thing that suppose a breach of the express instructions that customer will provide.
  • LADEUS commits to do not disclose, transfer, give or comunicate the files and data, already verbally or written, through electronic media, paper, etc. to another physical or legal person not even for its conservation, without notice to the costumer.
  • The costumer authorize LADEUS, as the treatment manager, to subcontract to third parties, in name and on behalf of the costumer, hosting services and web maintenance, in those cases that is necessary, respecting always the regulations of personal data. The costumer can address to LADEUS in every moment to know al the identificative data of the subcontracted entities that, in any case, act conforming with the personal data regulations and previous formalization with LADEUS of an access contract to data for the services benefit in the expected terms in the articles 12 of LOPD and 20 of RDLOP. The subcontracted entities are detailed at point 9 of this policy.
  • LADEUS, in compliance with the article 10 of LOPD forces to keep the profesional secret of personal data which we have to access and/or treat in order to achieve with the contracted services, during and after the end of the services. LADEUS  only can permit the access to data to those employees, expressly authorized, that they must know to achieve the contracted services and will be linked to the duty of secret and will be informed respect their obligations and the infractions established by the current legislation.
  • LADEUS guarantee at least, for all the treatments and/or access to personal data, the adoption of security measures of basic level indicated in Title Vlll of RDLOP, as each others that were imposed, of technical and organizational nature, necessary to guarantee the security of personal data and avoid its alteration, loss, treatment or not authorized access. It is a costumer obligation indicate expressly to LADEUS the need to adopt security measures in the treatment of personal data of the costumers.
  • LADEUS guarantee that once the contractual provision has been made, will give back or destroy the personal date, and also the physical supports that collect all the personal data of the customer. However, those data where its conservation is necessary for the satisfaction of the legal obligations, will be blocked during this period and will be deleted once the corresponding term has ended.
  • If LADEUS uses the data to other purposes, communicate or uses breaking the conditions of the contracted services, will be considered responsible of the treatment, answering to all the infractions that has been comited personally.
  • The customer guarantee to LADEUS that the personal data has been obtained observing the legal prescriptions established in personal data regulations. LADEUS it is not responsible of the breach, by the customer, of the obligations in LOPD and the current regulations in the part that corresponds to its activity and it is related with the execution of the contracted services or with other comercial relation with LADEUS
  • El cliente garantiza a LADEUS que los datos de carácter personal han sido obtenidos observando las prescripciones legales establecidas en la normativa de protección de datos de carácter personal. LADEUS no se hace responsable del incumplimiento, por parte del cliente, de las obligaciones derivadas de la LOPD y normativa vigente en la parte que a su actividad le corresponda y que se encuentre relacionada con la ejecución de los servicios contratados o con cualquier otra relación comercial con LADEUS.