The website can use cookies (little text files that the server sends to the computer of those who access to the web). It is a technique usually used in Internet to do some functions that are essential to the correct working and site visualization.
The cookies may be, depending of its persistence on the system:
According to its purpose, may be:
The cookies used in the website have, in any case, temporary nature and with the only purpose of making its subsequent transmission more efficient. In no case the cookies will be used to pick up personal or private information of the visitors.
It is posible that we update cookies policy of this website, so we recommend to look over this policy every time that you access to this website, with the objective of being informed about how, and why, we use cookies.
Our website uses own cookies to improve the navigation, the website speed and the outputs. The list of cookies that we use and its characteristics is as follows:
Necessary to the website working.
ci_session: To maintain the user's status. Persisten with expiration.
cookiesDisclosureCount: Controls the appearance of the cookie information module. Persisten with expiration.
Third party cookies are the cookies that are installed in a website that is not the one that is being visited at the current time. Some pubilicity firms can use this type of cookies to track users, being this third firms those who do the installation of this cookies.
The site uses Google Analytics services, which is borrowed by Google, Inc., entity whose main office is in 1600 Amphitheatre Parkay, Mountain View (California), CA 94043, United States.
Google Analytics uses cookies to analyze te use made by the users of the site. The information that the cookie produce about your use of the site (including the IP direction) will be directly transmited and filled by Google in its United States server. Google will use this information on our behalf with the purpose of keep track of your use of the site, compiling reports on site activity and providing other services related to the activity of the site and the use of Internet. Google can transmit this information to thirds parties when is required by law, or when such these third procces the information on behalf of Google.
Google Analytics does not collect personal data of the website visitors. The main functions of Google cookies are:
If you want you can refuse the treatment of data or information refusing the use of cookies selecting the appropiate configuration of your browser or refusing our cookies policy. However, if you do it, you may not be able to use the full functionality of this site. Using this site allows the treatment of your information by Google in the manner and for the purposes indicated above.