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"Indianos" Houses

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"Indianos" Houses

Begur - Girona

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"Indianos" Houses

Between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, some Catalans decided to travel to America to seek their fortune and try to take advantage of the many possibilities offered by the Spanish colonies on the other side of the Atlantic. These adventurers were known as "Indianos". Many of them succeeded in achieving their goal, and returned to their hometowns as wealthy and respected figures. On their return home, the "Indianos" imported a colonial type of architecture for the construction of their new homes.

In the case of the town of Begur, most of the "Indianos" came from Cuba and Puerto Rico. The buildings constructed after their return gave a characteristic architectural air of La Havana to the present-day old quarter of the village.

Among the "Indianos" houses that are still preserved today, we highlight the Casa Térmens from 1869, the Casa Bonaventura Caner i Bataller from 1866, the house of Josep Pi i Carreras from 1860 and the Cultural Casino, which was paid for by the "Indianos" of the village and which became the main cultural and entertainment centre of Begur.
